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Custom Decks, Shade Structures, Pergolas, and More!

Are you looking to get the most from outdoor living? Do you already have a nice deck but want to add some custom seating or a shade structure? McMorris Decks & Structures has been trusted by homeowners throughout Utah and Salt Lake counties to enhance their outdoor living spaces with high-quality construction on custom projects of all shapes and sizes. Our team works quickly to provide you with a free estimate, and our consultative approach ensures you end up with a finished project that meets your goals and vision. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

Scenic deck situated in a tranquil forest setting in Utah

What Can We Build for You?

The answer is just about anything. Our business is committed to taking on residential projects that delight our clients and increase their outdoor living space or offer additional room to store machinery, equipment, pool supplies, and more. Our custom-build services include:

Custom-built stairs enhancing the front entrance of a house in Utah

Why Choose McMorris Decks & Structures?

You can always expect quality craftsmanship and an honest approach when you partner with our team. We’re locally based, and our employees are members of the communities in which we complete our work. There is a level of pride we uphold ourselves to because when all of the work is complete, our customer’s satisfaction is what is most important to our company. We know there are many options for business partners, but our customers are confident in choosing us for many reasons.

  • Our labor comes with a 5-year warranty, and all structures have a 25-year warranty
  • We promise to deliver high-quality, professional work
  • We are a trained and certified Trex Pro contractor
  • Our company is licensed and insured
  • Our owner is onsite at every job

Schedule a Free Estimate to Learn More About Our Services

If you’re interested in exploring one of our custom-build options for your home, we promise you won’t have to wait long to find out what we can do within your budget. We strive to provide estimates within one to two days and won’t keep you waiting. We have financing options available for your convenience and are happy to consult with you on how best to take advantage of your space. Contact us today to schedule your free estimate.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Estimate Today