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Professionally Designed Custom-Built Decks

From morning coffee at sunrise to evening entertaining as the sun sets, life is better when you can take advantage of nature’s beauty from a deck. McMorris Decks & Structures is a residential custom deck building company serving Utah and Salt Lake counties that brings visions to life for customers who want to expand their living space outside the walls of their homes. Getting started is easy. Simply contact us to schedule a free consultation and estimate to learn how we can bring your vision to life.

White custom deck installed in the backyard of a home in Utah

We Build the Deck You’ve Always Wanted

We take immense pride in our craft of constructing stunning custom decks of all shapes and sizes. Our process is thorough from start to finish. We’ll discuss your ideas during the initial consultation and provide our professional insight specific to your project. We offer 3D renderings and will review samples of the various materials available. You’ll enjoy the peace of mind of seeing what the finished project will look like before any work begins.

Beautifully designed custom deck enhancing a backyard in Utah

Choose Additional Features and Build Options

Incorporating details and features into your deck is our specialty. Find inspiration from our gallery of work or provide your own photos of decks you’ve come across that include options you’d like to see in your plans. Options are limitless and can include seating for guests, spaces for plants, shade coverings, and more. Popular custom features include:

Custom Decks Backed by Labor and Structure Warranties

All residential custom deck projects in Utah and Salt Lake counties undertaken by McMorris Decks & Structures are backed by 5-year labor and 25-year structure warranty. We are a Trex Pro certified contractor, which means we must adhere to the high standards of this manufacturer of composite decking products to guarantee labor and materials that will last for decades. Contact us to schedule your estimate today.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Estimate Today